Black nylon dog collar with 45-50 cm circumference.
The soft neoprene bottom material provides a secure and gentle fit on the neck.
Reflective elements on the outside increase visibility when walking in the dark.
Eine Komposition aus Kräutern, Duft- und Blütenpflanzensamen. Dient als Nahrungsgrundlage für Honig- und Wildbienen, Hummeln, Schmetterlinge & Co. Ideal für kleine Freiflächen und Blüteninseln im Garten, für sonnige bis halbschattige Standorte. Keine besonderen Ansprüche an den Boden. In der Mischung enthalten sind: Buchweizen, Kornblume, Ringelblume, Borretsch, Dill und Phazelie (Beehappy).
Sämtliche dieser Arten werden innerhalb Deutschlands für uns vermehrt: Rückverfolgung bis zum Acker und geringe Transportwege.
Bienenweide-Mischung in EU-Bio-Qualität.
Loop and slurp? Yes please!
The black St. Pauli dog bowl stops annoying slipping away at the best moment of the day by rubber attachments on the bottom.
In the black melamine housing sits a removable stainless steel bowl, easy to clean and dishwasher safe
Slurping and slobbering? Yes please!
The black St. Pauli dog bowl stops annoying slipping away at the best moment of the day thanks to rubber attachments on the underside.
A removable stainless steel bowl sits in the black melamine housing, easy to clean and dishwasher safe.
Black nylon dog collar with 45 cm circumference.
The soft neoprene bottom material provides a secure and gentle fit on the neck.
Reflective elements on the outside increase visibility when walking in the dark.
Black nylon dog collar with 60 cm circumference.
The soft neoprene bottom material provides a secure and gentle fit on the neck.
Reflective elements on the outside increase visibility when walking in the dark.
Black nylon dog leash with 3-way adjustment to a length of 20 cm to 200 cm.
The neoprene inside gives you a good and pleasantly soft grip.
Of course with the matching print for best friends: "You'll never walk alone"!